Access Keys:

Holy Spirit GNS, Ballymun, Dublin
Mid-Term Break School is closed on Thursday 20th and Friday 21st February.School will re-open at 08.55am on Monday 24th February.
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Ms. Heverin, Ms. Bourke and Mr. Parsons are in charge of our school choir.

Our school choir is made up of girls from 3rd to 6th class.

Our girls are extremely proud of being part of our school choir and look forward to their weekly lesson.

Every year, our choir is delighted to take part in Cór Fhéile in the Basketball Arena in Tallaght.




18th Dec 2023
Some of our choir girls from both 5th & 6th classes walked over to St. Pappin’s...
30th Mar 2023
Our incredible school choir performed to a very high standard in Corfhéile...