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Holy Spirit GNS, Ballymun, Dublin


2022/2023 School Year

15th Sep 2022
The girls played brilliantly yesterday in their first match. Well done girls!
12th Sep 2022
The Parents’ Room has had a little make over this September. Hopefully it...
9th Sep 2022
Ms. Kelly’s 6th class have had a great week settling back to school! We are...
6th Sep 2022
All in Holy Spirit GNS were so saddened to hear of the death of Deacon Steve Maher....
2nd Sep 2022
Ms. Mulvey's new group of students have had a great two days settling into the new...

2021/2022 School Year

7th Jul 2022
The girls on our summer camp visited Clonfert Farm in Co. Kildare. They had so much...
1st Jul 2022
Philly Mc Mahon came into our school to tell us about himself. We were very lucky...
1st Jul 2022
Active Schools week was amazing! We are so proud of the effort our girls put in....