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Holy Spirit GNS, Ballymun, Dublin


2021/2022 School Year

23rd Oct 2021
This week the girls got involved in maths stations where they played maths games...
23rd Oct 2021
The girls in Ms. Nelis’s first class made some spooky witches masks this week...
22nd Oct 2021
We had lots of fun in Aistear making Bubbling Magic Potions!
22nd Oct 2021
We are all ready for Halloween in Ms Crehan's Senior Infants. We wrote Halloween...
21st Oct 2021
We read that triangles are a stronger shape than squares and that architects use...
21st Oct 2021
We were learning about hedgehogs! We read the story 'Don't Hog the Hedge'. ...
20th Oct 2021
Justyne from Young Ballymun kindly dropped in some activities that you could do...
18th Oct 2021
We had an exciting day in 3rd class when our friend Mouse from OWLS taught us about...
15th Oct 2021
We enjoyed reading the story 'Elmer the Elephant'. We learned to embrace how unique...